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About Sorghum 

Australian Sorghum is predominantly a Summer season crop  grown in parts of NSW and Queensland . The area planted each year can vary greatly depending on climatic conditions and market dynamics. 

Australian Sorghum 
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Australian Sorghum is sought after for its rich red colour and low tannins as well as our reputation for a clean environment and best practice procedures. Sorghum production is concentrated most across South East Queensland and Northern NSW with the planting and production window depending on seasonal climate conditions. New Crop Sorghum from these regions can be available for shipping from March each year while farms in Central Queensland can offer new season Sorghum from June and July depending on seasonality allowing a longer supply window if market conditions are suitable.

Sorghum Harvest
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Australian Sorghum is harvested each season at plant maturity via the use of state of the art machinery allowing a quick and efficient realisation of crop for growers who can fast deliver to customers or store on farm for future deliveries. Grain is consistently tested at all stages for moisture, test weight and other key analyses. Crop tonneage are often partly presold by farmers once key indicators show favourable plant progress before harvest so that customers can lock in their needs.

Packing and Export 
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Packing of Sorghum is mostly accommodated in 20 Foot Food Grade Containers and loaded predominantly in Brisbane and Sydney. Authorised Inspection officers inspect the cargo before shipping in accordance with Australian Government regulations to enable required certifications for Export. Further 3rd Party testing is also carried out per country import conditions.

Sorghum Markets
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Australian Sorghum is predominantly exported to Asia with China purchasing the majority of production for the manufacture of Baiju which is the most consumed spirit in the world. Available Sorghum tonnage will vary each year due to climatic conditions and market volatility. In some seasons Sorghum has also been exported for Animal Feed where price conditions have been favourable against other available options.

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